Janie Ravenhurst is an adventurer. Since a very young she wanted to be a teacher and that vocation has taken her all around the world, from Australia to the Canadian Arctic, from the Alps to the Rockies, from the South China Sea off the Malaysian Coast, to the Azure Blue Waters of the Mediterranean. She speaks English, French, Dutch, Greek and a little Bahasa Melayu. Her degrees are in Teaching, Visual Art, Environmental Studies and Archaeology.
She has three businesses: Ravenhurst Graphics, Nutrilite Health and Wellness, and Ravenhurst International (Utilities). Through her determination and strong will she influences girls and women to be brave and go for what they want in life, not letting sexism, criticism, or jealousy stop them. Janie believes that women are the untapped resource of the world.
Once everyone wakes up to what women are capable of doing, the world will greatly benefit from their knowledge.
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